The Most Elaborate and Dangerous Booby Traps in the History of War

2. Traps in tombs and cemeteries

Death is a very touching subject in society. Throughout history, we have seen that there are hundreds of ways to honor the dead. Most cultures bury the dead with gold so that they can use it wherever they end up after their death. At the end of honoring the dead, there is the matter of sealing them up in tombs behind a series of traps. The most famous example of the latter would be the Egyptian pharaohs. Their graves have been looted over the years, however, there are still many tombs across the world, which are yet to be discovered.

There have also been cases of using booby traps in tombs of common people. A great example would be the cemeteries of Arlington, Texas in the 18th century. Due to the shortage of cadavers to experiment on, there was an increase in grave robberies. Frightened by the prospect of losing the bodies of their loved ones to science experiments, locals decided to arm the graves with traps. These traps were quite successful,
albeit the technology behind the guns was still in the early stages. As a result of these traps, there was a drastic decline in the number of grave robberies.

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