The Most Elaborate and Dangerous Booby Traps in the History of War

Human beings over time have become the most feared predators on the planet. The reason why we are at the top of the food pyramid is down to our brains and not our brute strength. Over thousands of years. humans have developed ways to hunt prey. Before the invention of bows and arrows, one of the best ways to catch games was through trapping. Our earliest ancestors used their wits to develop smart traps.

As we evolved, our traps became more and more complicated. Of course, we have to keep in mind traps are a broad range. The key term in our article, however. is booby traps. These can be something as simple as a hidden knife on the ground, but we shall look at some of the more well-thought-out designs. We shall take a look at some of the most elaborate and dangerous booby traps in recorded history. The traps on this list are there because they combine ingenuity with effectiveness.

These booby traps have been used to dispose of people and render them ineffective. Here are some of the most frightening booby traps ever

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