The Most Elaborate and Dangerous Booby Traps in the History of War

5. Snakes Pits

We already covered the dangerous and ghastly Punji Stakes, but Vietnam had a few more tricks up its sleeve. The Americans fighting the war had a lot of issues to face. From enemies that never slept to malaria that would wipe out a lot of soldiers, the problems were unending.

If the Americans made any headway in the war or against malaria, there was always one constant thorn, snakes. Vietnam is a country filled with some of the deadliest snakes in the world. The natives knew this fact and used it to an overwhelming advantage. They devised snake pits, which were similar to the Punji Stake pits, instead here they used poisonous snakes instead of sharp sticks. They also used to stuff backpacks with snakes and left them around the battlefield, waiting for anyone who will search the bags for supplies.

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