The Most Elaborate and Dangerous Booby Traps in the History of War

3. Qin Shi Huang’s tomb

We have touched on the subject of booby traps in tombs and here we shall take a look at one particular case. Tombs from ancient times were filled with riches and were heavily guarded. These entrapments were designed to keep graver robbers out and were extensive. Some of these traps are so elaborate that even today archeologists find that some tombs may never be accessible.

Apart from the Pyramids of Giza, the most famous tomb is that of China’s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang. This tomb also houses the life-sized Terracotta Army. The army was placed to protect the emperor in the afterlife. Archaeologists and researchers believe that the hall where the army is housed is the furthest anyone should go. The tomb is very extensive and goes well underneath the whole compound. However, there is a lot of reluctance in exploring it as there have been varied descriptions of the deathly booby traps in ancient texts.

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